Kazarinov Ivan Alekseevich

Saratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012head of the department, professorDoctor of Chemistry SciencesKazarinovIA@mail.ruhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-4858-9614Служебный тел.: 8(452)51-64-13.
Author's articles
- Theoretical and applied aspects of the nickel-cadmium battery shunting problem
- Hermetically sealed storage batteries: state of the art, problems, andoutlooks
- Influence of the copper binder on the electrochemical properties of LaNi5-based metal-hydride electrodes
- Influence of file active mass composition and discharging conditions on the electrochemical performance of the negative electrodes of nickel-cadmium storage batteriecadmium storage batteries
- Salient features of double electrical layer formation on cadmium-nickel alloys
- Hydrogen ionization on a nickel oxyhydroxide electrode of sealed alkaline batteries
- Automation of the technological process of nickel hydroxide extraction
- Nickel-hydrogen rechargeable electrochemical systemsю Part 1
- Utilization of lamellar nickel-oxide electrodes
- Structural and electrochemical properties of nickel
- A decrease in the material and energetical expenses in nickel (II) hydroxide production at Zavod AIT Corp.
- Mechanization of making active masses for positive electrodes
- A microbial fuel cell based on Escherichia Coli
- A technology for hydrometallurgical processing of lamellar nickel-oxide electrodes
- Influence of some components of lead-antimony and lead-calcium alloys on their mechanical and corrosion properties
- Studying kinetics of oxidation of glucose by bacterial cells Escherichia Coli by means of a method of a rotating disk electrode
- Development of technological principles for designing a valve-regulated Ni-MH battery of the NMG type
- Chemical activation influence on the electrochemical and structural characteristics of the metal hydride electrode
- Studying of processes of allocation of oxygen and hydrogen on lead-antimony and lead-calcium alloys
- Influence of the active-mass granulometric spectrum on the electrochemical characteristics of the metal-hydride electrode
- Influence of the introduction technique of metal nickel additives into the metal-hydride electrode's active mass on the hermetically-sealed nickel-metal-hydride battery performance
- Oxygen and hydrogen ionization on the working electrodes of the lead-acid battery
- Corrosion layer conductivity of the positive grids in lead-acid batteries as a function of lead alloy composition
- The optimisation of initial secondary structure of metal hydride electrode based on granulometric composition of components of electrode's active weight
- The sealed nickel-cadmium accumulator of KGL300P with electrodes of lamella construction
- Discharge characteristics of the nickel oxide electrode on metallized graphitized carbon felt base
- Phase diagrams of the ternary systems NaBH4–NaOH–H2O, KBH4–KOH–H2O, NaBO2–NaOH–H2O И KBO2–KOH–H2O при -10°С
- Electrochemical characteristics of the materials on the basis of the alloys AB5 and AB2 types
- The estimation of perfomanсe of exogenous redox mediators in the bioelectrochemical system glucose–Escherichia coli cells-mediator
- Lead-acid battery formation with pulse asymmetric current
- Composition and structure of passive layers on lead and multicomponent lead alloys surface under the anodic oxidation in 4.8M sulfuric acid solution
- A Device for Charging of a Sulfated Lead-Acid Battery by Pulse Asymmetric Current
- Structural Characteristics of Absorbent Glass Mat Separators and their Influence on Oxygen Ionization Rate in Models of Lead-Acid Accumulators
- Corrosion and Еlectrochemical Behaviour of Magnesium and Magnesium-Lithium Alloys in Phosphoric Acid Media
- Innovative Potential of the Chair of Physical Chemistry, Saratov State University
- Electrochemical Behavior of Pb-Sn-Ca-Al-Ba Alloys in Sulfuric Acid Solution
- Porous Strukturen and Electrochemical Characteristics of Nickel-Oxide Electrodes Based on Metallized Carbon Graphite Felt Matrix
- Anodic passivation mechanism of lead-tin alloys in sulfuric acid solution
- Influence of pressure on structural characteristics of separation materials and oxygen ionization rate in the electrode block of the lead-acid accumulator
- Влияние условий получения гидроксида никеля (II) на его физико-химические свойства
- /The effect of modified absorbtive glass mat separators on the efficiency of hydrogen ionization in lead-acid battery mock-ups
- Changes in the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes on a metallized carbon-graphite felt basis during long cycling
- Nickel-hydrogen rechargeable electrochemical systems. Part 3
- Nickel-hydrogen rechargeable electrochemical systems. Part 2
- Icomparative studying of kinetics of bioelectrochemical oxidation of glucose in neutral environments by means of the microorganisms Escherichia coli and Enterobacter cloacae
- Effect of carbon with different structure to the active mass of the negative electrode lead-acid batteries at its discharge characteristics
- Influence porous structure of the polymer membrane based on fluoropolymer F-42 on the process of oxygen ionization in the mock-up of lead-acid batteries
- Conversion of wastes into electrical energy troungh microbial electrochemical technologies
- Optimization of the active mass composition of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes
- From Alkaline Accumulators to Supercapacitors. Nickel Oxide Electrode: Theory of Processes and Modern Technologies of Manufacture
- Modelling of the Wastewater Treatment Process Using Microbial Bioelectrochemical Technologies
- Structural and Electrochemical Characteristics of Porous Lead Electrodes with Additive Nanostructured Carbon
- Flow batteries based on organic redox-systems for large-scale electric energy storage
- Electrochemical properties of quinones, antraquinones and their derivatives – potential redox-systems for flow batteries
- Book review: Mahendra Rai, Anatoly Reshetilov, Yulia Plekhanova, Avinash P. Ingle, editors. Macro, Micro, and Nano-Biosensors: Potential Applications and Possible Limitation
- Electrolytes for rechargable chemical current sources with magnesium anode
- The chemical current sources with a magnesium anode: Electrode materials and their properties