


Alkaline batteries

Influence of the Method of Introducing Cobalt Into the Active Mass of Positive Metal-lock Electrodes of Nickel-Zink-batteries on Their Capacitance Characteristics

It is experimentally established that the use of Ni-Zn batteries as positive oxide-Ni electrodes of metal-cell electrodes on porous polymer bases leads to a significant decrease in their capacity. Reduce zincate poisoning of positive electrodes of this type is possible with the introduction of cobalt hydroxide into the active substance. Various methods of introducing an activating additive into the active mass of the electrode have been studied.

Optimization of the active mass composition of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes

УДК 541.136


The work is devoted to the development of methods for input and current monitoring of the active mass components of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes in order to improve the stability of the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium batteries of the NKM series.

The Problems of Low-temperature Lithium-ion Batteries


The critical analysis of literature of last 15 years, concerning features of low-temperature behavior of lithium-ion batteries is presented. Some generalized approaches to the problem as well as the role of main polarization components at low temperatures; features of functioning of negative and positive electrodes are reviewed. Some low-temperature electrolytes are reviewed as well.


Changes in the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes on a metallized carbon-graphite felt basis during long cycling

Our test results of nickel-cadmium FKM mock-up batteries with metal-felt nickel-oxide electrodes are presented. The discharge characteristics of the tested mock-up batteries with nickel-oxide electrodes made on the carbon-graphite felt basis are shown to exceed virtually all relevant requirements of Russian Railway Industry Standards. The high cyclability of these batteries was established: reduction of the discharge capacity lower than the nominal value was observed after 3100 cycles.

Metallization of electrolitic die of alkaline matrix fuel cell

В работе рассмотрена металлизация электролитной матрицы щелочного матричного топливного элемента, обусловленная растворением платинового катализатора на кислородном электроде этого элемента. Показано, что уровень металлизации зависит от условий функционирования топливного элемента и структурных особенностей его составляющих.

Technology of metal fiber production by melt extraction for a porous electrodes of electrochemical sources

The paper presents an analysis and modelling process for nickel fibers production by the method of hanging drops extraction, with a view to select the optimal technology parameters for the fibers of the required size. Thecharacteristics of the tlectrode bases, made on the basis of these fibers are indicated.

Electrochemical characteristics of the materials on the basis of the alloys AB5 and AB2 types

A comparanive stady was made of specific discharging capacity of metal hydride electrodes (MH) based jn a hydrogen-sorbing AB2 alloy (ZrNi1.2Mn0.5Cr0.2V0.1) and its compositions with an AB5 alloy [the intermetallide LaNi5 with predominating components (Co, Mn, Ca)] in thecourse of the nickel-metal hydride battery formation. The formation of the active mass of the MH electrode (on the fifth charge-discharge cycle) has been found to proceed most effectively at a powder composition ratio of alloys AB2:AB5 = 1:1.

Research of nickel cadmium storage batteries 42NK-125 capacity regeneration.

The comparative results of nickel cadmium storage batteries capacity regeneration with asymmetrical and direct currents after their exploitation on the electric locomotives in the conditions of constant floating with current impulses are represented. The capacity regeneration with asymmetrical current was carried out rapidly, the battery was restored with charging capacity numerically equal to 1.2Cnom. The capacity regeneration with direct current was carried out in accordance with sendee schedule of electric locomotives' batteries when restoring them with charging capacity 3Cnom. The regeneration with asymmetrical current was carried out on the automated charging station CA3P-4,5-380/100- УХЛ-202. Usage of asymmetrical current for the battery capacity regeneration allowed to half the time of charge-discharge cycle in comparison with standard mode of the capacity regeneration, to reduce number of technological training cycles from 3-4 to 1-2, to reduce general time of battery rebuilding for exploitation to 1.5 times, to lower ecological load and power inputs at charging.

Hjnentiostatic diagnostic method of nickel-oxide electrode active materialfrom nickel-cadmium battery

It was described a featers of potentiostatic diagnostic method of nickel-oxide electrode active material. A relation between current of nickel-oxide electrode under potentiostatic polarization was found.
