


Research of nickel cadmium storage batteries 42NK-125 capacity regeneration.

The comparative results of nickel cadmium storage batteries capacity regeneration with asymmetrical and direct currents after their exploitation on the electric locomotives in the conditions of constant floating with current impulses are represented. The capacity regeneration with asymmetrical current was carried out rapidly, the battery was restored with charging capacity numerically equal to 1.2Cnom. The capacity regeneration with direct current was carried out in accordance with sendee schedule of electric locomotives' batteries when restoring them with charging capacity 3Cnom. The regeneration with asymmetrical current was carried out on the automated charging station CA3P-4,5-380/100- УХЛ-202. Usage of asymmetrical current for the battery capacity regeneration allowed to half the time of charge-discharge cycle in comparison with standard mode of the capacity regeneration, to reduce number of technological training cycles from 3-4 to 1-2, to reduce general time of battery rebuilding for exploitation to 1.5 times, to lower ecological load and power inputs at charging.


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