


Alkaline batteries

Capacitance from Discharge Current Depen-dence Modeling in Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

It was shown by experiments for SAFT batteries of stationary application and medium rate of discharge, that empirical equations Korovin-Skundin's, Peukert's generalized equation, probability integral, porous electrode equation allow to describe the dependence capacitance C(f), given by nickel-cadmium batteries, from discharge current with the accuracy sufficient for practical needs (5-6%) on all the range of discharge currents. Meanwhile the empirical equations of Peukert and Aguf can be used to calculate the capacitance given away only within the discharge currents, starting from the point of inflexion of experimental curve C(i) infinitely. Libenov equation, which can be used only within the range of discharge currents from the point of inflexion of experimental curve C(i) and up to the discharge currents, wherein С(i) ≈ 0.05Cn, is of even bigger specialty.

Comparative Research of Asymmetric Current Parameters Influ-Ence on Accumulators Formation Process

Comparison of influence of asymmetric current parameters on nickel-cadmium accumulators formation process time is carried out. According to the results of capacity formation of accumulators types NKPLHC-0,5 with thin extruded electrodes, we established good perspective for application of asymmetric current with parameters chosen during experiments and applied in this paper. Current waveform which gave the biggest capacity increase, has long charging impulse and short, with wide range, discharge impulse. In particular, application of asymmetric current with such parameters in the process of NKPLHC-0,5 accumulators formation resulted in increase of discharge capacity, compared with formation by direct current, by 16%.

Investigation of the Causes of Thermal Run-away in Sealed Nickel-Cadmium Batteries

It is shown from analysis of charging current and voltage change on the terminals of sealed Ni-Cd battery at thermal runaway, that thermal runaway is accompanied by a new high-power electrochemical reaction, going at battery voltage of approximately 0.55 V.

Porous Strukturen and Electrochemical Characteristics of Nickel-Oxide Electrodes Based on Metallized Carbon Graphite Felt Matrix

A study of the porous structure and discharge characteristics of electrochemically impregnated nickel oxide electrodes based on nickel- ized graphitized felt«Voilocarb-22» is conducted. It is shown that the developed technology of nickel oxide electrodes fabrication that involves such operations as nickel plating of the substrate, electrochemical impregnation, electrode formation and pressing allows forming polydisperse structured electrode active material with pore sizes ranging from 0.01 pm to 100 pm. The electrochemical tests have shown that the mockup batteries with newly-developed nickel oxide electrodes based on nickelized carbon/graphite felt have surpassed all requirements of the international standard IEC 62259:2007.

Influence of additive in electrolytic production of zinc electrode on its electrical characteristics

We have studied the influence of brighteners used in zinc electroplating on the characteristics of zinc powder, which produced in the manufacture of electrolytic zinc electrode. Their effect was determine on the cathodic process, the nature of spongy zinc deposits, corrosion of the zinc electrode and capacity characteristics with intense discharge in a nickel-zinc accumulator.

Generalized model of capacitance from discharge current dependence in nickel-cadmium batteries

For nickel-cadmium batteries of stationary application, a global empiric correlation C(i) describing the dependency of released capacitance by the batteries at different discharge currents was suggested, which is true for batteries of any capacitance and any mode of discharge (H, M, L). The global correlation C(i) can be described by generalized Peukert's equation, Korovin-Skundin's equation, probability integral, and porous electrode equation with accuracy sufficient for practical application. This correlation is most easily described by the generalized Peukert's equation C=Cm/(1+(i/IC/2)3.6).

Temperature dependence of polarization and corrosion characteristics of different aluminum alloys in alkaline electrolyte

Aluminum is one of the most energy-intensive materials, which is the base for the air-aluminum electrochemical generators (AA ECG) with a specific energy of 300 W·h/kg. Such generators can be considered as a promising source of energy for electric vehicle due to their advantages such as high energy, the possibility of organizing a closed cycle of aluminum production and use of heat generated by the AA ECG for heating the interior of the electric vehicle. The operation of AA ECG is most effective when aluminum alloys with indium in an alkaline electrolyte (with the addition of tin salts as a corrosion inhibitor) are used. The subjects of temperature influence on the anodic dissolution and aluminum corrosion and maximum power density are still not enough studied. This article is devoted to the study of the temperature effect on the anodic dissolution of aluminum and its alloys at the maximum achievable current density.

Nonlinear structural model of the battery, research of processes of relaxation after charge

It is shown that the nonlinear structural model of the battery can be used for modeling the voltage relaxation processes after a charge of batteries. The solution obtained is valid for alkaline, acid and lithium-ion batteries. Comparison of solutions, with the experimental data for nickel-cadmium batteries, showed, that the relative error does not exceed 3%.
