


Electrochemical properties of quinones, antraquinones and their derivatives – potential redox-systems for flow batteries

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Practical interest in redox flow batteries has arisen in recent decades as a result of intensive development in the field of alternative energy (such as solar and wind) and the control of peak loads in industrial electrical networks. It turned out that large-scale energy storage systems used to compensate fluctuations in the process of solar and wind generation of energy in the production of electric vehicles and power supply systems for large households, are more profitable when working on redox flow batteries. Firstly, they are easy to scale, and secondly, the energy stored in such batteries is cheaper.

In recent years, the interest of researchers in the redox behavior of simple and substituted quinones and anthraquinones used as potential components of electrochemical energy storage systems has grown significantly. The main advantages of organic redox systems are scalability, kinetic advantages over the used redox systems based on inorganic substances, reconstructability (a wide possibility of changing electrochemical and chemical properties by introducing various functional groups into organic molecules) and environmental safety.

Therefore, in this work, the electrochemical behavior of some promising organic systems based on quinone, anthraquinone and their analogs to be used as redox systems of flow batteries was studied using the method of cyclic voltammetry.


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