


Studying of processes of allocation of oxygen and hydrogen on lead-antimony and lead-calcium alloys

Influence of concentration of antimony, tin, cadmium in lead-antimony alloys, also calcium, silver and barium in lead-calcium alloys for speed of allocation of hydrogen and oxygen was studied. It is shown, that alloying lead-antimony alloys cadmium or tin increases overpotential of allocation of hydrogen. The Introduction of cadmium in an alloy also increases overpotential of allocation of oxygen. Tin, on the contrary, causes decrease in overpotential of allocation of oxygen. The increase in concentration of calcium in lead-calcium alloys raises overpotential of allocation of hydrogen, but leads to decrease in overpotential of allocation of oxygen. Alloying lead-calcium alloys silver or barium leads to insignificant reduction of overpotential of allocation of hydrogen, but the rate of allocation of oxygen is thus close to rate of allocation of oxygen on a lead electrode.


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