Bushkova Ol'ga Viktorovna
Institute of high-temperature Electrochemistry UB of RAS, 20, Akademicheskaya St., Yekaterinburg, 620990chief researcherovbushkova@rambler.ru
Author's articles
- New lithium conducting polymer electrolytes for power sources
- Phase equilibria in the system poly(butadiene-CO-acrylonitrile) – lithium perchlorate
- Composition and thikness of the passivating films, formed upon lithium contact with the gas of various compositions (computer simulation)
- Chemical interaction in the cathode half-element of lithium ion batteries
- Calculation of thermodynamic properties of cobalt (III, IV) oxides and lithium cobaltite
- Electrolytic receiving silicon nanowires from KCl-KF-K2SiF6-SiO2 fusion as composite anodes for lithium-ion batteries
- Electrochemical behavior of Li[Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3]O2 Catode material produced by scs procedure
- Polymer Binders for the Electrodes of Lithium Batteries. Part 1. Polyvinylidene Fluoride, its Derivatives and Other Commercialized Materials
- Electrochemical Characteristics and Phase Composition of Lithium-Manganese Oxide Spinel with Excess Lithium Li_(1 + x)Mn₂O₄
- The Polymer Binders for the Electrodes of Lithium Batteries. Part 2. Synthetic and Natural Polymers
- Polymer binders for the electrodes of lithium batteries. Part 3. Conductive polymers