2019. Т. 19, № 1 Файл скачен: 209 раз.Просмотров 1353 1920191Full Text (PDF): energetica_2019_01_v.pdf Content Burashnikova M. M., Klyuev V. V., Khramkova T. S., Gritsenko S. D. Hybrid Supercapacitors in Aqueous Electrolytes [PDF] 3 Fateev S. A., Putsylov I. A., Smirnov S. E. Glass Carent Lead of Lithium-Fluorocarbon Power Source [PDF] 37 Kolosnitsyn D. V., Kuz'mina E. V., Karaseva E. V., Kolosnitsyn V. S. Modeling of Characteristics of Lithium-Sulfur Batteries Based on Experimental Evaluation of Electrochemical Properties of Electrode Materials [PDF] 48