Fateev Sergei Anatol'evich
National Research University "MEI", 14, Krasnokazarmennaya St., Moscow, 111250deputy CEODoctor of Engineering Sciencesserfat@list.ruhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2553-9910
Author's articles
- Lithium-fluourocarbon power sources for implanted electrical cardiostimulators
- The high temperatures lithium-fluorocarbon cells
- Electrochemical and chemical stability of y-butyrolacton-based electrolytes
- Determination of residual capacity of lithium-fluorocarbon batteries for car-dioelectronics
- Synthesis and research of electrochemical properties of new gel electrolytes based on polyester diacrylates and 1 M LiBF4 in gamma-butirolactone
- Current leads corrosion and the problem of diagnostics of fluorocarbon-lithium cells
- The electrolytes for lithium-fluorocarbon power sources
- Effect of feedstock on the characteristics of cathodes fluorinated carbon
- Modern power sources for cardioelectronics
- Prolonged testingof lithium-fluorocarbon ctlls
- Литий-фторуглеродный источник тока для гастроскопии
- Glass Carent Lead of Lithium-Fluorocarbon Power Source
- The Prospects of Use of the Fast-Tempered Materials in Current Sources
- Increasing the Energy Output of the Fluorocarbon Cathode
- On the Issue of Heat Emissions in Lithium-fluorocarbon Cells