The kinetic research of hydrolysis in the systems used in borohydride hydrogen power engineering
The paper studies the influence of temperature (50–100°C) and alkalinity (C OH – = 2.33–9.53 M) of aqueous solutions on the hydrolysis (self-destruction) kinetics of borohydride ions BH4– Characteristic peculiarities of the kinetic curve have been established and formulae to approximate the temperature-concentration dependence of the hydrolysis rate are proposed. An increase in temperature leads to an increase in the rate constant k of borohydride hydrolysis, and the temperature dependence of k satisfactorily obeys Arrhenius' equation. The influence of solution alkalinity on the borohydride hydrolysis rate was explored. Within the temperature range studied, the k = f(C OH -) curve consists of two fragments, each with the prevalence of one of two different mechanisms (paths) of borohydride hydrolysis. In highly-alkaline aqueous solutions, non-catalytic hydrolysis mainly occurs, whose rate is determined by temperature, being p�-independent. At lower alkalinity, the hydrolysis rate sharply increases due to catalysis by � + ions. A power dependence of k on the � + concentration has been found; the point where the mechanisms are switched is determined by temperature.
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