Burdyugov Aleksandr Sergeevich
All-Russian Research and Design Institute of an Elektrovozostroyeniye (JSC VELNII), 3, Mashinostroiteley St., Novocherkassk, Rostov Region, 346413assistant manager departmentCandidate of Technical Sciencesa.burdugov@mail.ru
Author's articles
- Accelerated forming of nickel-cadmium battery by asymmetrical current
- Analysis of Ni-Cd battery efficiency charged with asymmetric and direct current
- Electrotechnical model of metal ceramic oxide nickel electrode pore
- The results of comparative research of nickel cadmium accumulators formation with the constant and asymmetric currents
- Research of capacity renewal of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries 10НКГЦ-1,8-1
- Research of nickel cadmium storage batteries 42NK-125 capacity regeneration.
- The research of nickel-cadmium accumulators forming process on their physical models
- Automated rapid charge of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries with asymmetric current, and its influence on the resource
- Tests of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries for capacity safety during long-term storage after charging with direct and asymmetric currents
- Research of sealed nickel-cadmium accumu-lators with thin electrodes formation
- Influence of Asymmetric Current Parameters on Nickel-Cadmium Accumulators Formation Process Time
- Comparative Research of Asymmetric Current Parameters Influ-Ence on Accumulators Formation Process