


оксидноникелевый электрод

Influence of the Method of Introducing Cobalt Into the Active Mass of Positive Metal-lock Electrodes of Nickel-Zink-batteries on Their Capacitance Characteristics

It is experimentally established that the use of Ni-Zn batteries as positive oxide-Ni electrodes of metal-cell electrodes on porous polymer bases leads to a significant decrease in their capacity. Reduce zincate poisoning of positive electrodes of this type is possible with the introduction of cobalt hydroxide into the active substance. Various methods of introducing an activating additive into the active mass of the electrode have been studied.

Discharge characteristics of the nickel oxide electrode on metallized graphitized carbon felt base

The development of nickel-cadmium batteries with high energy capacious electrodes is described. Selection and development of technology of manufacturing nickel-oxide electrodes based on nickel-plated carbon and graphite felt materials are considered. Discharge characteristics of the electrodes are analysed.

Application of the nickelized carbon fibre as a nickel oxide electrode basis

The manufacturing techniques nickel oxide electrode with a basis from a nickelized carbon fibre are offered. Comparative research of electrochemical characteristics (specific electric capacity, the self-category) pre-production models with a control industrial sample an nickel oxide electrode with a ceramic-metal basis carried out. It is established, that application of a basis from a nickelized carbon fibre allows to reduce the charge of nickel and his alloys, to simplify manufacturing techniques of an electrode. Pre-production models nickel oxide electrodes have a high operational resource as are less subject to washing away of active weight due to fiber structure of a basis.

Porous Strukturen and Electrochemical Characteristics of Nickel-Oxide Electrodes Based on Metallized Carbon Graphite Felt Matrix

A study of the porous structure and discharge characteristics of electrochemically impregnated nickel oxide electrodes based on nickel- ized graphitized felt«Voilocarb-22» is conducted. It is shown that the developed technology of nickel oxide electrodes fabrication that involves such operations as nickel plating of the substrate, electrochemical impregnation, electrode formation and pressing allows forming polydisperse structured electrode active material with pore sizes ranging from 0.01 pm to 100 pm. The electrochemical tests have shown that the mockup batteries with newly-developed nickel oxide electrodes based on nickelized carbon/graphite felt have surpassed all requirements of the international standard IEC 62259:2007.