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Electrode material based on multilayer graphene oxide for chemical current sources

The results of the studies of the electrochemical synthesis of multilayer graphene oxide were presented, and the possibility of using it as an electrode material of the supercapacitor was shown. In an alcohol suspension the thickness of the particles of multilayer graphene oxide was less than 0.1 μm with an area of more than 100 μm2. The graphene oxide-based electrode has a high specific capacity of 107 F⋅g − 1 and a high charge retention rate of 97% after 5000 cycles.

Supercapacitor based on electrochemically reduced graphene oxide

This article show results of research work which focused on a new electrodes for symmetrical supercapacitor which made from electrochemically reduced graphene oxide films.

The recovery process illustrated by experimental recordings С-V curves. Was identified the dependence of the reduced graphene oxide specific capacity from rate of charge/discharge, for symmetric and unipolar working voltage range. Was identified supercapacitor power density when it was tested in cyclic charge-discharge duty of the potentiostat with different speeds.