


carbon nanotubes

Effect of properties of carbon materials on specific energy and cycling of lithium-sulfur batteries

The effect of the structure and the specific surface area of carbon materials, contained in positive electrodes, on the peculiarities of cycling of lithium-sulfur cells (the depth of electrochemical reduction of sulfur and lithium polysulfides, the changes in capacity and Coulomb efficiency of cycling) was studied.

Изучение электрохимических свойств углеродных материалов для отрицательного электрода

Electrochemical characteristics of electrodes based on various carbon materials such as expanded graphite, nanotubes, black carbon for hybrid supercapacitors C/PbO2 with acid electrolyte were investigated. It was shown that the highest values of the capacitive characteristics were obtained using TUBALL graphene nanotubes (LLC, Novosibirsk).

Electrooxidation of Formic Acid at Nanostructural Composites of Palladium and Polyaniline


A kinetics of formic acid anodic oxidation at electrodes consisting from composites of palladium with polyaniline is studied. It was found that the contact of palladium with polyaniline does not result in the electrocatalytic activity enhancement, that differs such composites from composites of palladium with polyelectrolytes.

Electrochemical behavior of superfine carbon in electrolytes based on ionic liquid 1-methyl-3-butylimidazol tetrafluorborate

A various features of the electrochemical behavior of number superfine carbon materials in electrolyte based on an ionic liquid 1-methyl-3-butilimidazolium tetrafluorineborate (1Me3BuImBF4) were determined by voltammetry and impedance methods. A comparative analysis of the effect of the type and nature of the electrolyte material on the main electrochemical characteristics of carbon electrodes which may be used in supercapacitors was done.

A stability study of platinized carbon black and carbon nanotubes nanocomposite as a fuel cell electrocatalyst

By cyclic voltammetry and rotating disk electrode investigated the stability of the composite catalyst Pt/C–CNT from electrochemical action through multiple changes of the electrode potential from –150 to 1000 mV vs. silver chloride reference electrode. Investigated: the dynamics of the electrochemically active surface area of platinum and electrode in whole, change of amount of quinone groups, change in density of the kinetic current reduction of air oxygen on the surface of the catalyst. With the use of the method of differential thermal analysis studied the oxidation processes and the mechanisms of change of the physicochemical properties of the material under electrochemical action.