Ivanishchev Aleksandr Viktorovich
Saratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012доцентканд. хим. наукivanischevav@inbox.ru
Author's articles
- A study of mass transport processes in lithium-carbon intercalates by means of chronopotentiometry
- Lithium intercalation into thin-film lithium-tin and lithium-carbon electrodes: an impedance spectroscopy study
- Fuel cells on boron-hydride fuel
- Calculation of density, viscosity, and conductivity for Na(K)BH4 – Na(K)BO2 – Na(K)OH – H2O solutions used in hydrogen power engineering
- A model of fuel transformation at discharge of direct borohydride fuel cell
- Approaches to the investigation of lithium tran- sport in intercalation electrodes based on thin film structures and multiphase composites
- Peculiarities of Lithium Pentatianate and Lithium – Vanadium(III) Phosphate Joint Operation in the Lithium-accumulating System
- Approaches to the Creation of Electrodes Based on Lithium Intercalation Compounds
- Peculiarities of Obtaining and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials Based on Iron(II)-Lithium Orthosilicate
- Synthesis and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium-Accumulating Electrode Material Based on Li₂MnSiO₄