


Peculiarities of Obtaining and Electrochemical Properties of Lithium-Ion Battery Cathode Materials Based on Iron(II)-Lithium Orthosilicate

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Various strategies for the synthesis of promising electrode materials for lithium-ion battery (LIB) based on iron(II)-lithium orthosilicate (Li2FeSiO4) using widely distributed, environmentally friendly and inexpensive starting materials are considered. The materials obtained are multicomponent electroactive composites that include, in addition to the main lithium accumulating component, also auxiliary structure-forming and electrically conductive components based on the products of the pyrolytic decomposition of organic compounds. The structural and morphological features of the obtained LIB’s materials were studied using X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, laser particle size distribution analyzer. The electrochemical properties of materials were studied by the method of constant current chronopotentiometry (galvanostatic charge-discharge). The dependence of electrochemical properties on synthesis conditions was determined. The reversible cyclic electrochemical capacity of Li2FeSiO4 electrodes reached 220 mAh/g in the initial charge-discharge cycles.


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