Functional Behavior of the Materials Based on Iron(II)–Lithium Phosphate with the Trifilite Structure in the Lithium Accumulatory System with Aqueous Electrolyte
Among the electrode materials used or promising for use in the lithium-ion batteries, those that are in the range of potentials of water stability are noteworthy, and that determines the possibility of using the fireproof aqueous electrolytes in a lithium-accumulating system based on these materials. The functional behavior in the aqueous electrolyte of one of them, iron(II)-lithium phosphate with the trifilite structure, obtained by the high-temperature synthesis in the mechanically activated system, and the effect of additions of manganese(II), tin(IV) or tungsten(VI) oxides onto this behavior and trifilite structural parameters. It was shown that the modification with tin(IV) oxide is the most effective of the considered.
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