2017. Т. 17, № 1 Файл скачен: 55 раз.Просмотров 1498 1720171Full Text (PDF): electro201701_v.pdfПервая страница: 1.00Последняя страница: 58.00 Content Lukovtsev V. P., Petrenko E. M., Dribinskii A. V., Grafov B. M. Controllable Restoration of Lithium Primary Batteries to Stable State [PDF] 3 Fedotov D. B., Yalyushev N. I., Maftei A. N., Makovetskii D. V. Diagnostic of Lithium-Thionyl Chloride Cells Self-Discharge [PDF] 9 Guseva E. S., Popova S. S. Electrochemical Behavior of MnO2-electrode in Aprotic Organic Solutions of Salts of Lanthanum and its Analogs (Rare Earth Elements) [PDF] 19 Mikhailova A. A., Tuseeva E. K., Zhilov V. I., Khazova O. A., Skundin A. M. Electrooxidation of Formic Acid at Nanostructural Catalysts on the Base of Composites of Nanotubes, Polyelectrolytes, Platinum and Palladium [PDF] 29 Bulyukina V. A., Ushakov A. V., Churikov A. V. Functional Behavior of the Materials Based on Iron(II)–Lithium Phosphate with the Trifilite Structure in the Lithium Accumulatory System with Aqueous Electrolyte [PDF] 37