2021. Т. 21, № 1 Файл скачен: 115 раз.Просмотров 773 2120211Full Text (PDF): electro202101_v.pdfОпубликована онлайн: 31.03.2021Первая страница: 1.00Последняя страница: 55.00 Content Istomina A. S., Bushkova O. V. Polymer binders for the electrodes of lithium batteries. Part 3. Conductive polymers [PDF] 3 Prokhorov I. Y. Differential electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of the polymer proton electrolytes [PDF] 21 Popova S. S., Hussein A. H., Ol'shanskaya L. N., Arzamastsev S. V. Elemental composition of the surface layers formed on titanium at the cathodic treatment in chitosan-containing aqueous-dimethyl sulfoxide solutions of phosphate-molybdate electrolyte [PDF] 32