2020. Т. 20, № 2 Файл скачен: 247 раз.Просмотров 1046 2020202Full Text (PDF): 125_electro202002_v.pdf Content Putsylov I. A., Negorodov M. V., Ivanov P. D., Smirnov S. E., Fateev S. A. Increasing the Energy Output of the Fluorocarbon Cathode [PDF] 61 Li S. A., Ryzhikova E. V., Skundin A. M. The Active Materials Ratio in Electrodes of Lithium-Ion Batteries: Optimisation Problems [PDF] 68 Izbasarova A. A., Burashnikova M. M. Efficiency of Oxygen Ionization in the Mock-up of Lead-Acid Battery with Use Separator from Absorptive Glass Mat and Non-Woven Fibrous Materials Based on Polyvinylidenfluoride and Polystyrene [PDF] 73 Fateev S. A., Putsylov I. A., Smirnov S. E. On the Issue of Heat Emissions in Lithium-fluorocarbon Cells [PDF] 87 Popova S. S., Hussein A. H., Frolova I. I., Abdullin V. F. Cathodic Modification in Aqueous Phosphate-Molibdate Solutions of Chitosan as a Way of Enhancing Hydride-Forming and Hydride-Accumulating Properties of Titanium [PDF] 99