


Electrochemical Behavior of MnO2-electrode in Aprotic Organic Solutions of Salts of Lanthanum and its Analogs (Rare Earth Elements)

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Method of cathodic introduction of lanthanum and its analogues in dioksigenazy electrode in the potentiostatic mode, the received manganites LnyMn1 − yO2. For example, lanthanum established the accelerating influence of the phase of the manganite in the composition of the MnO2 electrode in the process of intercalation of lithium. The methods of scanning microscopy, x-ray phase analysis, secondary mass spectrometry of ions and measuring the potential at open circuit constituted LayMn1 − yO2 and LixLayMn1yO2. Discovered that among the REE (La, Nd, Ho, Sm, Gd, Tb, Yb, Lu, Dy, Eu) from lanthanum (La) to gadolinium (Gd) has been progressively reducing the constant introduction of kiDelta i/Delta (1/sqrt(t)), the diffusion component of the process CLnsqrt(DLn) and density of the discharge current i(0). After gadolinium (Gd) up to the europium (Eu) kinetic characteristics within the error retains a constant value. Discovered two regions of potentials with different trend values of ki,CLnsqrt(DLn) and i(0): the displacement of the potential from −2.5 to −2.9 V. In the tendency to their reduction, with a further offset to −2.0 V. In the upward trend. The influence of temperature and duration of introduction of lantan to the further intercalation of lithium.


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