


The effect of lithium polysulphides on the cycling performance of a lithium electrode in 1M LiClO4 in sulfolane

The effect of lithium polysulphides on the cyclic deposition/and dissolution of lithium metal on an inert stainless steel electrode and on a lithium metal electrode in sulfolane solutions has been studied. It has been shown that the addition of lithium polysulphides to sulfolane solutions leads to a significant increase in the cycle life (2 or more times) and cycling efficiency of a lithium metal electrode and a lithium metal on inert stainless steel electrode. It also results in the reduction of the corrosion rate of the lithium cathodic deposits. The positive influence of lithium polysulphideson the electrochemical behaviour of the lithium electrode is explained by the formation, in the presence of lithium polysulphides, of a «sulphide» surface film, which has a higher lithium-ion conductivity and better protection properties in comparison to the surface film formed on the lithium in the presence of LiClO4.


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