


Electrophysical properties of non-stoichiometric lithium-iron magnesium-substituted spinels

Samples having the chemical formula Li0.5 Fe2.5 – x MgxO4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1) were prepared by the standard ceramic method. The parts of the dielectric constant υ', υ'' and A.C. conductivity σ(ω) are measured at different frequencies from 10 – 2 to 105 Hz in the room temperature and different cooling velocity, and then the dielectric loss tangent tg Δ was calculated. The sample with x = 0.1 what was cooled quickly showed the greatest values of σ0 as compared with the other samples. The effect of Mg2 + concentration on the dielectric parameters is discussed according to the Koops model.


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