Kinetics of processes in the lanthanum-based LiLaAl/LiClO4/MnO2, system at potentiodynamic cycling
In present work the lithium diffusion was investigated to LiAl- and MnO2-electrodes, modified by La. With this purpose Al and MnO2 was worked up by cathodiе incorporation method in aprotic organic solutions of sulfanilate lanthanum. The next cyclization of electrodes to lithium perchlorate solution was making in potentiodynamic conditions. Microstructural investigation, X-ray phase analysis, chronopotentiometry allowed to establish formation of solid solution La (Al) and intermetallic compound LaAl4 accumulation of lithium in Al matrix and diffusion of lithium deep into electrode. In modified MnO2-electrode it was established formation of LixLayMnO2. The time of modificating MnO2 by La influenses to velocity of incorporation lithium to LaxMnO2-electrode.
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