


SOFC and SOFC-based power systems: state-of-the-ost and outlook

Applications of superionic conductors in solid-oxide fuel cells (SOFC) were considered. A promising direction is the distributed power. Electrochemical current generators come to direct consumers of electric power, who operate the generators as required by their power consumption plan. As a result, the power is reasonably saved and the fuel is used efficiently. SOFC provide highly efficient direct conversion of the chemical energy of the fuel to electricity. Any hydrocarbons can be used as fuel in SOFC. Natural fuels (coal, oil and gas) and products of technical activities of man (industrial and agricultural wastes) are used. Electrochemical «low-temperature« firing provides high ecological compatibility of the process. All these factors open up good prospects for the use of SOFC to satisfy ever growing requirements of mankind in electric power [1–6].


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