Degradation of matrix electrolyte under Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell environment
The change in phase composition, dispersibility and morphology of α-, β- and γ-lithium aluminates, which are the components of molten carbonate fuel cell were investigated after long exposure in Li/KCO3 (62/38 vol.%) eutectic melt under H2, H2 + CO2 (20-mol.%) and 0.33 O2 + 0.67 CO2 atmospheres at 650°C. α- , β- , γ- aluminates and their mixtures were found to transform into γ-phase under oxidative atmosphere. Under reducing atmosphere both α- and γ-phases always coexist. It was also found that degradation processes that is particle enlargement, decrease of specific surface and morphology change proceed at much higher rate in α- and β- phases than in γ-LiAlO2.
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