Development of a technology of hydrometallurgical processing of negative active masses of alkaline batteries
A hydrometallurgical processing of iron-cadmium masses extracted from the negative electrodes of used alkaline batteries was tested at the Leninsk-Kuznetsk Kuzbasselement plant (Kuzbasselement Ltd.) in trial scale. The technology proposed is capable of recycling cadmium (hydr)oxide and iron oxide, the main components of cathodic masses. The method is based on dissolution of iron-cadmium active masses in sulfuric acid, then the corresponding hydroxides are precipitated with an alkali and iron (II) hydroxide is oxidized to iron (III) hydroxide which does not dissolve at second addition of sulfuric acid, pH being neutral. Cadmium hydroxide under these conditions dissolves, is filtered and repeatedly precipitated with an alkali to a return precipitate. Besides, a return magnetic iron oxide Fe3O4 is formed.
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