


Low temperature electric conductivity the irradiated wet porous glass

The contribution of proton conductivity to a superficial current not irradiated and irradiated scale in quantum of an isotope source 60Cо wet samples porous corundum silicate glasses in an interval of temperatures 200–380 K. It is revealed significant increase of size of a superficial current with a maximum was investigated at 306–310 K, which after an irradiation extends aside low temperatures to proportionally doze. The maximum is caused by the contribution of ions of the hydrogen formed at decomposition of molecules of adsorbed water inside carrying electric charge nano porous, to process of electro carry with energy of activation 0.73 eV. Ionizing gamma irradiation causes radioliz waters, increases concentration of free carriers of a charge and changes their mobility that causes reduction of energy of activation of proton conductivity.


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