


Dispersive materials via mechanical activation for lithium-ion batteries

The properties of cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries prepared via mechanical activation have been investigated. It was shown that as prepared materials are characterized by submicron particle size and by structural disordering. The positive effect of these parameters on the electrochemical properties of insertion cathodes has been established (eg., LiMn2O4 – 3V; LiVi3O8 – 3 V; Li3Fe2(PO4)3 – 2.8 V), as well as for cathodes with low electronic conductivity (eg., LiFePO4 – 3.4 V; LiTi2(PO4)3 – 2.48V). High dispersion promotes an increase of practical capacity due to better use of particle volume and the performance of insertion/extraction processes of lithium ions in kinetic regime which is important for high-rate batteries. Structural disordering of LiMn2O4 enhances its structural stability to insertion processes of additional lithium ions improving its cycleability at 3 V domain.