Stepanov A. N.
Saratov State University, 83, Astrakhanskaya St., Saratov, 410012
Author's articles
- Studying kinetics of oxidation of glucose by bacterial cells Escherichia Coli by means of a method of a rotating disk electrode
- Development of technological principles for designing a valve-regulated Ni-MH battery of the NMG type
- Chemical activation influence on the electrochemical and structural characteristics of the metal hydride electrode
- Influence of the active-mass granulometric spectrum on the electrochemical characteristics of the metal-hydride electrode
- Influence of the introduction technique of metal nickel additives into the metal-hydride electrode's active mass on the hermetically-sealed nickel-metal-hydride battery performance
- The optimisation of initial secondary structure of metal hydride electrode based on granulometric composition of components of electrode's active weight
- Electrochemical characteristics of the materials on the basis of the alloys AB5 and AB2 types