Garkushin Ivan Kirillovich RussiaSamara Samara State Technical University, 244, Molodogvardeyskaya St., Samara, 443100head of the department, professorDoctor of Chemistry Author's articles Search algorithm based on the phase trees (crystallization trees) of the solt systems for chemical sources of electric current Calculation of structures of low-melting electrolits in threefold salt systems Searching for optimal salt electrolyte compositions for chemical sources of the current and heat-accumulating materials by two parameters Searching for Optimal Electrolyte Compo-sitions for Chemical Sources of the Current and Heat- Accumulating Materials on the Ba-sis of Li,K||F,Cl,VO3,MoO4 Five-component Resiprocal System Volume Change When Melting Halides of s'-Elements and their Double Mixes: Analytical Description, Calculation and Interrelation Electrolytes for high-temperature chemical current sources: formation and research systems, composition and properties