Burmakin Evgenii Iraklievich RussiaYekaterinburg Institute of high-temperature Electrochemistry UB of RAS, 20, Akademicheskaya St., Yekaterinburg, 620990chief researcherDoctor of Chemistry Sciencesburmakin@ihte.uran.ru Author's articles Stability of the structural and electrical properties of solid electrolytes in the ZrO2 – Sc2O3 system Lithium-cation conductivity in the systems Li4ЭO4-Li4Zn(PO4)2 Lithium conducting solid electrolytes in the system Li4 – x- 3yAlyGe1 – xPxO4 Introduction effect of zirconium ions into the structure of a lithium germanate-vanadate solid electrolyte on its electrical properties New potassium-conducting solid electro-lytes in the mixed alumoferrite system K0.90Ba0.05Al1-xFexO2 The Lithium-conducting Solid Electrolytes in the System Li4-3xGaxGeO4 Solid potassium-conducting electrolytes in the systems K3-2xМxРO4 (М = Mg, Zn) Potassium ion conductivity in mixed gallate-ferrite solid electrolytes