Antonov Boris Dmitrievich RussiaYekaterinburg Institute of high-temperature Electrochemistry UB of RAS, 20, Akademicheskaya St., Yekaterinburg, 620990senior research Author's articles Introduction effect of zirconium ions into the structure of a lithium germanate-vanadate solid electrolyte on its electrical properties An Influence of the Synthesis Technique on the Physicochemical Properties of LaLi0.1Со0.1Fe0.8O3 – Δ Electrical conductivity and TCLE of Y1-xCaxCr1-y CuyO3-δ (x = 0.2 and 0.3; y = 0.05–0.3) Electrical conductivity and thermal expansion materials on the basis of Pr2-ySryNi1-xCuxO4 (x = 0/1: y = 0/0.15) for cathode of medium temperature electrochemical devices Solid potassium-conducting electrolytes in the systems K3-2xМxРO4 (М = Mg, Zn) Electrophysical properties of cathode materials Pr1-XLaX)2-YSrYNi1-ZCuZO4 (X=0.0–1; Y= 0.0–0.2; Z=0.0–1)