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Negative electrodes of the lithium ionic accumulator condescending to the humidity of electrolyte

The effect of electrolyte humidity on charge-discharge behavior of electrodes from graphite, thin-film amorphous silicon and thin-film composites «silicon–carbon» is estimated. Rise of humidity from 50 to 400 ppm is shown to accelerating capacity fade of graphite electrode by order of the magnitude. Electrode with 0.2 μm amorphous silicon film keeps the cyclability in electrolytes with water content up to 3000 ppm however its capacity diminishes upon humidity increase. Electrodes with «silicon–carbon» composites (40% C) happened to be virtually insensitive to electrolyte humidity up to 3000 ppm.

Improvement of electrochemical behavior of amorphous silicon via preliminary heat treatment

Thin-film amorphous silicon electrodes, subjected to various pretreatment have been tested in galvanostatic and potenciodynamic modes. Preliminary heat treatment of silicon electrodes in nitrogen atmosphere was established to lead to some decrease in discharge capacity and insignificant decrease in degradation upon cycling. Preliminary annealing of silicon electrodes in vacuum at 480°C results in increase of discharge capacity and some decrease of degradation upon cycling. Silicon electrodes with thickness about 1 micron annealed in vacuum have discharge capacity about 1200 mA·h/g.