


щелочной аккумулятор

Application of the nickelized carbon fibre as a nickel oxide electrode basis

The manufacturing techniques nickel oxide electrode with a basis from a nickelized carbon fibre are offered. Comparative research of electrochemical characteristics (specific electric capacity, the self-category) pre-production models with a control industrial sample an nickel oxide electrode with a ceramic-metal basis carried out. It is established, that application of a basis from a nickelized carbon fibre allows to reduce the charge of nickel and his alloys, to simplify manufacturing techniques of an electrode. Pre-production models nickel oxide electrodes have a high operational resource as are less subject to washing away of active weight due to fiber structure of a basis.

Nonlinear structural model of the battery, research of processes of relaxation after charge

It is shown that the nonlinear structural model of the battery can be used for modeling the voltage relaxation processes after a charge of batteries. The solution obtained is valid for alkaline, acid and lithium-ion batteries. Comparison of solutions, with the experimental data for nickel-cadmium batteries, showed, that the relative error does not exceed 3%.