


положительный электрод

Study of influence of structural parameters of cathode materials of \alpha -NaFeO2 type on electrochemical characteristics of positive electrode of lithium-ion battery

The relationship between the structural parameters of layered materials such as \alpha -NaFeO2 used as positive electrode materials of lithium-ion battery, and electrochemical characteristics were investigated. The dependence of charge transfer resistance on the ratio of cobalt to lithium mole fractions in layered oxides was studied.

Dependence of the electrochemical characteristics of lithium-ion battery in the initial state and after Degradation of the structural parameters of the positive electrode

The study of the internal resistance of the lithium-ion battery designed and manufactured by JSC «Saturn» as the original, and after a long cycle life by pulse chronopotentiometry and electrochemical impedance was carried out. It is shown that the higher the hexagonal ordering of the material and the closer the degree of cation mixing to the optimal value, the less polarization resistance of the battery as original, and after a long cycle life. It was found that the less the original polarization resistance of the battery, the more its cyclic life.