


литий-ионный аккумулятор

The state-of-the-art and prospects for the development of electrolyte systems for lithium power sources

УДК 544.6.018.4


In the review the works on the development of liquid organic electrolyte systems for lithium power sources in the past 10 years are considered. The review consists of chapters on the state-of-the-art and prospects of investigations on lithium salts, aprotic solvents, and additives to the liquid electrolyte, performing a variety of functions to improve the performance of the lithium power source. Bibliography – 168 references.

Comparison of traditional organic solvents with phosphoric acid esters in lithium-ion and supercapacitor technologies

This work is dedicated to phosphoric acid esters working as solvents for lithium-ion and supercapacitor (SC) electrolyte. The electrical conductivity of electrolytes based on phosphoric acid esters, lithium salts, commonly used in lithium-ion batteries (LIB), and salts used in SC technology was measured. The thermodynamic stability of new electrolytes in comparison with other solvents used in chemical power sources technology was also estimated. It was shown that the thermodynamic stability of phosphoric acid ester increases in a homologous series.

Technological bases of lithium-ion batteries production

It is shown that the performance of lithium-ion battery is significantly affected by the component structure of the electrodes, electrode fabrication technology, forming the battery mode. It is shown that in the production of lithium-ion batteries can be used the following materials: as a binder – polymer dispersion of water-based СНР 500, the negative electrode material – synthetic graphite 131181008–1 brands and 20130905.

Peculiarities of sulfur electroreduction on the graphite electrode of lithium-ionic batteries

The additive into electrolyte SO2 allowing to realize the intercalation of lithium ions into spectral-pure graphite is shown in the work given. The monolayer of SO2 restoration products possessing the properties of solid inter phase electrolyte is formed on the material given. The formation of the surface layer requires 160±15 mA·h/g.

Lithiated iron phosphate for commercial lithium-ion batteries

Behavior of PH/P1 lithiated iron phosphate (Phostech Lithium Inc, Canada) used as positive electrode material for Li-ion battery with LiPF6-based electrolyte was investigated. Specific capacity of the material reached 130 mA·h/g at a rate of 0.5С and 20°C, 105 mA·h/g (1С) and 95 mA·h/g (2.1C). Cell capacity increased by 20% during first 50 cycles and minor capacity fade at a rate of 0.04% per cycle is observed after 300 cycle when cycled at 2C rate versus carbon negative electrode (CMS, PRC).
