Development of the Electrode Material of the Lithium-ion Battery Based on Lithium-nickel(II) and Cuprum(II)-Lithium Vanadates
Of interest are lithium-d-metal LiMVO4 vanadates with a hybrid functioning mechanism and a theoretical specific capacity limit of ∼1000 mA⋅h⋅g−1. The work deals the properties of materials based on LiNiVO4 with the cubic spinel structure and LiCuVO4 with the rhombic spinel structure obtained by high-temperature treatment of preliminary mechanically activated systems, methods of modification and discusses the features of their electrochemical behavior.
The electrochemical behavior of the obtained electrode materials is determined in the main by their coating level on the current collector and is limited to their significant cycle-to-cycle degradation due to a failure of the contact of the active material with the current collector. A significant improvement in electrochemical behavior is observed for materials obtained in the high purity argon atmosphere, but at the same time characterized by the presence of impurities, including reduced vanadium oxides of mixed valence. The correspondence between the increase in phase purity and the level of electrochemical properties of LiNiVO4 is observed when Li4Ti5O12 is used as a seed for the crystallization of the target phase. For materials based on LiNiVO4, the initial specific capacitance of 540 mA⋅h⋅g−1 is reached at the moderate coating level, and for LiCuVO4 – 155 mA⋅h⋅g−1.
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