


carbonate melt

Catalytic activity of lali0.1co0.1fe0.8o3-d cathode in (Li0.62K0.38)2CO3 melt. Part II. The reaction mechanisms and catalytic activity of the oxide electrode

The oxygen reduction mechanisms on an oxide electrode are proposed. It was found, that in the temperature range 870–1020 K mechanism involving superoxide ions dominates, whereas in T < 870 К region the reaction mechanisms involving molecular oxygen apparently take place.

Catalytic activity of LaLi0.1Co0.1Fe0.8O3-d cathode in (Li0.62K0.38)2CO3 melt. Part I. Experimental results and equivalent circuit for oxide – melt boundary

The results of the study of kinetics of oxygen reduction on the dense LaLi0.1Co0.1Fe0.8O3-d electrode in (Li0.62K0.38)2CO3 eutectic melt using coulostatic technique are reported. It was found, that the equivalent circuit that includes heterogeneous charge transfer step in series with heterogeneous chemical reaction most closely fits the kinetics of electrode processes.