


апротонные растворители

The state-of-the-art and prospects for the development of electrolyte systems for lithium power sources

УДК 544.6.018.4


In the review the works on the development of liquid organic electrolyte systems for lithium power sources in the past 10 years are considered. The review consists of chapters on the state-of-the-art and prospects of investigations on lithium salts, aprotic solvents, and additives to the liquid electrolyte, performing a variety of functions to improve the performance of the lithium power source. Bibliography – 168 references.

Properties of the some individual aprotic solvents used in lithium power sources. II. Volumetric properties of the solvents

The information on volumetric properties for a following most often of used aprotic solvents acetonitrile, γ-butirolactone, 2,5-dimethyltetrahydrofurane, 1,2-dimetoxyethane, methyl acetate, 2-methyltetrahydrofurane, nitromethane, propylene carbonate, sulfolane, tetrahydrofurane and thionylchloride are considered. The temperature dependencies of density, specific and molar volumes, structural radiuses of molecules of solvents and coefficients of packaging of molecules of solvents are described.