


аккумуляторная батарея

The results of comparative research of nickel cadmium accumulators formation with the constant and asymmetric currents

The results of nickel cadmium accumulators (NCA) formation with the asymmetric and constant currents are represented. Accumulators formation with the asymmetric current allowed to reduce one-half the time of technological cycle of placing these accumulators in service, comparing with the constant current mode, with maintenance of their operational characteristics. Comparative characteristics of NCA operational parameters are given. After tests imitating exploitation conditions of accumulators, charging capacity of accumulators formed with the asymmetric current at current charge of operational mode is 46–49% higher than similar charging capacity of accumulators formed with the constant current.

Research of capacity renewal of the sealed nickel-cadmium storage batteries 10НКГЦ-1,8-1

Comparative results of capacity renewal of sealed nickel-cadmium batteries with asymmetric and direct currents after their long-term storage are represented. Capacity renewal with asymmetric current was carried out in an accelerated manner at average value of the charging current equal to 0,25Crated. Capacity renewal with direct current was carried out at average value of the charging current equal to 0,1Crated in accordance with Technical Conditions. Applying asymmetric current for battery capacity renewal allowed to half in comparison with applying direct current for this purpose – the number of necessary renewal cycles before accumulators would gain rated capacity.

Energy installation system of navigational equipment with computer control

Results of field trials of the prototype energy installation system of navigational equipment (SNE) with computer control are presented. The energy installation SNE is based on friendly environmentally photovoltaic battery, rechargeable lead-acid battery and a new predictive controller.

Development of high-capacity lithium-ion battery asstmblies

This paper describes the state-of-the-art and areas of application for lithium-ion batteries. Their competitiveness in comparison with conventional alkaline and acid based batteries is shown. System approaches and circuit configurations used for designing high-capacity energy storage batteries with microprocessor battery managemmt systems (BMS) are considered, including the main functions of BMS. Based on the given examples, the modular design approach of batteries with 2-3 levels of control has been proved. A comparative analysis of different hardware schemes for voltage leveling in storage batteries is carried out.