


Modelling of ion trasport in naometric channels with charge claudin macromolecules: nonlocal electrostatic approach

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DOI: 10.18500/1608-4039-2015-15-4-149-159

It was developed a mathematical model of ion transport in tight junction (TJ) between the membranes of epithelial cells on the basis of nonlocal-electrostatic theory of ion solvation. It is shown that the Na+/Cl- (charge) selectivity in TJ arise due to a combination of two effects: the dielectric exclusion of ions from them and electrostatic displacement Cl-. There are presented the dependences of the selectivity in TJ on the concentration of the fixed charged groups and changes in the correlation length of the water in TJ. The values of Na+/Cl- selectivity calculated by our model agree with the experimental data on the epithelial transport, available in the litera


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