


Analysis of the Influence of the Cathodic Polarization Value on the Amount of Hydrogen Sorption of Al-Sm with the Alloy of Electrochemical Measurements

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The effect of cathodic polarization on the rate of hydrogen sorption from an aqueous organic electrolyte on an Al-Sm alloy using the potentiostatic and potentiodynamic methods were studied. The obtained data allowed us to calculate the diffusion-kinetic characteristics of this process, such as the interstitial constant, diffusion constant $C_{\text{Н}}\!\!\sqrt{D}$, constant current iconst, diffusion coefficient D and adsorption of hydrogen atoms G. The number of nuclei decreases, but their mass and radius increase in the potential range from –2.0 V to –2.4 V. The adsorption of hydrogen on the surface increases; which confirms that predominance of the discharge of hydrogen atoms occurs at more negative potentials according to the recombination mechanism.


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