



Neodymium-doped lithium titanate as anode material for lithium-ion batteries

Doped lithium titanate is known to be able to reversibly cycle in the potential range from 3 to 0.01 V and this ability depends both on the nature of the dopant and the doping level. In this work Li4Ti5O12 samples doped with Nd in the amount of 0.5 to 2.0% were studied. It was shown that while being cycled in the extended potential range, the samples with the doping level from 0.5 to 1.0% demonstrated the highest capacity.

Vanadium-Doped Bronze Titanium Dioxide as Anode Material for Lithium-ion Batteries with Enchanced Cycleability and Rate Performance

Nanotubes of bronze titanium dioxide (TiO2(B)) doped with vanadium were synthesized through hydrothermal reaction. The obtained material possesses mesoporous structure and large specific surface area of 180 m2/g. It was found that the incorporation of vanadium into TiO2(B) lattice increases the volume of a unit cell. Additionally, the conductivity rose up to three orders of magnitude for doped titanium dioxide reaching the value of 1.70 ⋅ 10 − 8 S/cm.

Manganese-Doped Titanium Dioxide with Improved Electrochemical Performance for Lithium-Ion Batteries

Within the work, an influence of manganese dopant on electrochemical performance of anatase titanium dioxide (Mn/Ti = 0.05; 0.1; 0.2) had been investigated. It was established that incorporation of Mn3+ into the TiO2 lattice results in the formation of Ti1 − xMnxO2 solid solution and increased anatase unit cell volume from 136.41 Å3 (undoped sample) to 137.25 Å3 (Mn/Ti = 0.05). The conductivity of doped TiO2 rises up to two orders in magnitude.

Electrochemical Impedance of Lithium-tionyl Chloride Current Sources in the Low-frequency Range


Low-frequency electrochemical impedance spectroscopy in the frequency range from 12.5 to 5 ⋅ 10−4 Hz was used to study changes in standard lithium-thionyl chloride cells during their discharge. Analysis of possible equivalent circuits describing the experimental data shows that the behavior of the cells discharged to 70% can be simulated by finite diffusion impedance in this frequency range.