2020. Т. 20, № 3 Файл скачен: 186 раз.Просмотров 845 2020203Full Text (PDF): 127_electro202003_v.pdf Content Istomina A. S., Bushkova O. V. Polymer Binders for the Electrodes of Lithium Batteries. Part 1. Polyvinylidene Fluoride, its Derivatives and Other Commercialized Materials [PDF] 115 Berezhnaya A. G., Chernyavina V. V., Lepeshkin I. O. Электрохимические свойства композитных электродов, содержащих наночастицы солей меди [PDF] 132 Kamenev Y. B., Chunts N. I. Accelerated Model of Charging of Lead-Acid Batteries. 4. Pulse Charge with Asymmetrical Current, Gas Evolving and Service Life [PDF] 146 Zhuravlev V. D., Shchekoldin S. I., Andryushin S. E., Sherstobitova E. A., Nefedova K. V., Bushkova O. V. Electrochemical Characteristics and Phase Composition of Lithium-Manganese Oxide Spinel with Excess Lithium Li_(1 + x)Mn₂O₄ [PDF] 157