


Electrochemical System of LiTi₂(PO₄)₃ | 1 M Aqueous Li₂SO₄ | LiFePO₄ and Prototypes of the Lithium-Ion Battery Based on it

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The use of aqueous electrolyte in lithium-ion energy storage systems can choose some of the problems associated with the use of electrolytes based on organic solvents, such as a risk of ignition of an abnormal violation of tightness and the sensitivity of operational parameters to production conditions. As part of the development of one of these systems, LiTi2(PO4)3 | aqueous Li2SO4 (1 mol⋅l − 1) | LiFePO4, a technique for their implementation in the form of prototypes made using a film for lamination using an office laminator is proposed. Testing of the prototypes revealed a positive correlation of the specific capacity and specific energy of the LiTi2(PO4)3 and the full battery prototype and the cycling stability with an increase of LiFePO4 : LiTi2(PO4)3 ratio by weight from 0.33 to 2.15. The maximum specific discharge capacity of LiTi2(PO4)3 was observed for the prototype with a mass ratio of 1.74 and amounted to 116 mA⋅h⋅g − 1. At the same time, the specific discharge capacity of LiFePO4 varies in a wide range from 41 to 104 mA⋅h⋅g − 1 without significant correlation with the balance of active materials, and these values are much smaller than demonstrated by it in a half-cell with guaranteed absence of the influence of processes on the counter electrode (146 mA⋅h⋅g − 1).


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