


Electrooxidation Kinetics of Formic Acid on Anodically Modified Silver-palladium Alloys

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The electrocatalytic activity of electrode materials synthesized by anodic selective dissolution of Ag–Pd alloys based on silver (4 and 8 at. % Pd) was studied. The kinetic laws of the electrooxidation of formic acid on compact palladium and anodically modified Ag,Pd-alloys in an acidic sulphate solution have been established. The conditions for anodic oxidation of formic acid on Pd and Ag,Pd-alloys were determined depending on the composition of the electrode system and the mode of the preliminary electrochemical modification of the alloy with the use of non-stationary electrochemical measurements. The effect of the electrode surface development in the kinetics of formic acid anodic destruction is revealed.


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