


Optimization of the active mass composition of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes

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The work is devoted to the development of methods for input and current monitoring of the active mass components of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes in order to improve the stability of the discharge characteristics of nickel-cadmium batteries of the NKM series.

Studying of the physicochemical properties of various samples of antimony (III) oxide and their influence on the electrochemical characteristics of cadmium electrodes:

–effect of the antimony (III) oxide solubility in water;

–influence of preliminary ultrasonic treatment of antimony (III) oxide and its suspension on the antimony (III) oxide solubility;

–studying of the hydration degree of cadmium oxide in the electrodes with various ratios of nickel (II) hydroxide and antimony (III) oxide;

–discharging characteristics of electrophoretic cadmium electrodes with various ratios of technological additives on the forming cycles.

It is shown that preliminary ultrasonic treatment of the aqueous suspension of antimony (III) oxide allows increasing the antimony concentration in the aqueous extract and obtaining an active mass with a lower hydration degree of cadmium oxide (14–30%), which is practically independent of the amount of technological additives.

It has been established that the chargeability of cadmium electrodes, their discharge capacitance, the discharge characteristics stability and the specific surface area are mainly affected by the activity of the introduced activating additives (nickel (II) hydroxide) rather than by the hydration degree of cadmium oxide.


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