


Электрохимические суперконденсаторы: текущее состояние и проблемы развития

Статья опубликована на условиях лицензии Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY 4.0).

В статье проведен анализ современного состояния в области разработки электрохимических суперконденсаторов, показаны области их применения, сопоставлены возможности российских и зарубежных разработчиков и производителей.


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2. Belyakov А. I., Brintsev A. M. Transient Processes in High Power Discharge of Electrochemical Capacitors // 13th Intern. Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors and Similar Energy Storage Devices. USA, Deerfield Beach, FL, 2003.
3. Beliakov А. I. Application of Large Supercapacitors Today and Tomorrow // Proc. of power systems world-98. USA, Santa Clara, 1998.
4. Galizzioli D., Tantardini F., Trasatti S. «Ruthenium Dioxide: A New Electrode Material. 1. Behavior in Acid Solutions of Inert Electrolytes» // J. Appl. Electrochem. 1974. Vol. 4 P. 57.
5. Beliakov А. I., Brintsev A. M. Development and application of Combined Capacitors: Double Electric Layer – Pseudocapacity, Proc. of the 7th Intern. Seminar on Double Layer Capacitors and Similar Energy Storage Devices. USA, Deerfield Beach, FL, 1997.
6. Khomenko V., Raymundo-Pinero E., Beguin F. Development of High Performance Hybride Supercapacitors Based on α – MnO2 – Carbon Nanotubes Composites // Ab. of «Carbon Advanced Research Workshop and Conference». USA, Argonne, 2003.
7. Morimoto T., Tsushima M., Che Y. Hybrid Capacitors Using Organic Electrolytes // Electrochemical Capacitors and Hybride Power Sources. R. J. Brodd, Elchem. Soc., Pennington, ND, v.7, 2002.
8. Suematzu S., Shkolnik N. Advanced Supercapacitors Using New Electroactive Polymers // Proc. of «Advanced Capacitor World Summit 2005». USA, San Diego CA, 2005.
9. Beliakov А. I. Asymmetric Type Electrochemical Capacitors // Electrochemical Capacitor and Hybride Power Sources, Ed. R. J. Brodd, Elchem. Soc., Pennington, ND, v.7, 2002.
10. Miller J. R. etal. Truck Starting Using Electrochemical Capacitors // SAE Technical Paper 982794 (1998 Nov.).
11. Key T. Ultracapacitors for Dynamic Correction of PQ Problems // Proc. of «Advanced Capacitor World Summit 2003» USA, Washington DC, 2003.
12. Bartley T. HEV Transit Bus Update // Proc. of «Advanced Capacitor World Summit 2005». USA, San Diego, CA, 2005.
13. Frost&Sullivan, Analytical Overview // Electrochemical Supercapacitors 2004–2009. Proc. of «Advanced Capacitor Wold Summit 2004». USA, Washigton, DC, 2004.